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  1. #include <xc.h>
  3. // Configuration bits (adjust as needed)
  4. #pragma config FOSC = INTRC_CLK // Internal oscillator
  5. #pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog timer disabled
  6. #pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up timer disabled
  7. #pragma config BOREN = OFF // Brown-out reset disabled
  8. #pragma config LVP = OFF // Low-voltage programming disabled
  10. // Define I/O pins
  11. #define RECEIVER_PIN TRISB0 // Input pin for RF receiver (adjust pin number)
  12. #define LED_PIN TRISC6 // Output pin for LED (adjust pin number)
  14. // Constants
  15. #define BUTTON_1_CODE 0x9693888
  16. #define BUTTON_2_CODE 0x9693936
  17. #define BUTTON_3_CODE 0x9693708
  18. #define BUTTON_4_CODE 0x9693744
  20. // Variables
  21. int brightness = 0;
  22. bool button1Pressed = false; // Flag to track Button 1 press
  24. void setup() {
  25. // Initialize I/O pins
  26. TRISB0 = 1; // Set receiver pin as input
  27. TRISC6 = 0; // Set LED pin as output
  29. // Initialize serial communication (if using UART module)
  30. // ... (code for UART initialization, if needed)
  32. // Read initial brightness from EEPROM (if applicable)
  33. // ... (code for reading from EEPROM, if needed)
  35. // Set initial brightness
  36. analogWrite(brightness);
  37. }
  39. void loop() {
  40. // Check for incoming signal on receiver pin
  41. if (PORTBbits.RB0 == 0) {
  42. // Delay to avoid debouncing (adjust as needed)
  43. __delay_ms(5);
  45. // Check if signal is still low (indicates start of transmission)
  46. if (PORTBbits.RB0 == 0) {
  47. // Capture and decode the received value
  48. int receivedValue = decodeRFSignal();
  50. // Check for valid button code
  51. if (receivedValue == BUTTON_1_CODE) {
  52. button1Pressed = true;
  53. brightness = getBrightnessFromEEPROM(); // Read stored brightness
  54. analogWrite(brightness); // Set initial brightness
  55. } else if (button1Pressed) { // Only process other buttons if Button 1 was pressed
  56. switch (receivedValue) {
  57. case BUTTON_2_CODE:
  58. if (brightness < 255) {
  59. brightness++;
  60. setBrightnessToEEPROM(brightness); // Save new brightness
  61. analogWrite(brightness);
  62. }
  63. break;
  65. case BUTTON_3_CODE:
  66. if (brightness > 0) {
  67. brightness--;
  68. setBrightnessToEEPROM(brightness); // Save new brightness
  69. analogWrite(brightness);
  70. }
  71. break;
  73. case BUTTON_4_CODE:
  74. brightness = 0;
  75. analogWrite(brightness);
  76. break;
  77. }
  78. button1Pressed = false; // Reset flag after processing subsequent buttons
  79. }
  80. }
  81. }
  82. }
  84. // Implement these functions based on your specific requirements for:
  85. // - analogWrite(brightness): This function should set the LED brightness based on the `brightness` variable.
  86. // For PIC12F683, you might use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) techniques.
  87. // - decodeRFSignal(): This function should capture the incoming RF signal bit by bit and decode it
  88. // using the appropriate algorithm (e.g., Manchester encoding) to determine the received value.
  89. // - getBrightnessFromEEPROM(): This function should read the stored brightness value from EEPROM (if applicable).
  90. // - setBrightnessToEEPROM(brightness): This function should save the new brightness value to EEPROM (if applicable).
  92. void __interrupt() interrupt() {
  93. // Interrupt service routine (if needed for receiving RF signals efficiently)
  94. }
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#include <xc.h>

// Configuration bits (adjust as needed)
#pragma config FOSC = INTRC_CLK  // Internal oscillator
#pragma config WDTE = OFF       // Watchdog timer disabled
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF       // Power-up timer disabled
#pragma config BOREN = OFF       // Brown-out reset disabled
#pragma config LVP = OFF         // Low-voltage programming disabled

// Define I/O pins
#define RECEIVER_PIN  TRISB0     // Input pin for RF receiver (adjust pin number)
#define LED_PIN       TRISC6     // Output pin for LED (adjust pin number)

// Constants
#define BUTTON_1_CODE 0x9693888
#define BUTTON_2_CODE 0x9693936
#define BUTTON_3_CODE 0x9693708
#define BUTTON_4_CODE 0x9693744

// Variables
int brightness = 0;
bool button1Pressed = false;  // Flag to track Button 1 press

void setup() {
  // Initialize I/O pins
  TRISB0 = 1;      // Set receiver pin as input
  TRISC6 = 0;     // Set LED pin as output

  // Initialize serial communication (if using UART module)
  // ... (code for UART initialization, if needed)

  // Read initial brightness from EEPROM (if applicable)
  // ... (code for reading from EEPROM, if needed)

  // Set initial brightness

void loop() {
  // Check for incoming signal on receiver pin
  if (PORTBbits.RB0 == 0) {
    // Delay to avoid debouncing (adjust as needed)

    // Check if signal is still low (indicates start of transmission)
    if (PORTBbits.RB0 == 0) {
      // Capture and decode the received value
      int receivedValue = decodeRFSignal();

      // Check for valid button code
      if (receivedValue == BUTTON_1_CODE) {
        button1Pressed = true;
        brightness = getBrightnessFromEEPROM();  // Read stored brightness
        analogWrite(brightness);                // Set initial brightness
      } else if (button1Pressed) {  // Only process other buttons if Button 1 was pressed
        switch (receivedValue) {
          case BUTTON_2_CODE:
            if (brightness < 255) {
              setBrightnessToEEPROM(brightness);  // Save new brightness

          case BUTTON_3_CODE:
            if (brightness > 0) {
              setBrightnessToEEPROM(brightness);  // Save new brightness

          case BUTTON_4_CODE:
            brightness = 0;
        button1Pressed = false;  // Reset flag after processing subsequent buttons

// Implement these functions based on your specific requirements for:
// - analogWrite(brightness): This function should set the LED brightness based on the `brightness` variable. 
//                            For PIC12F683, you might use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) techniques.
// - decodeRFSignal(): This function should capture the incoming RF signal bit by bit and decode it 
//                      using the appropriate algorithm (e.g., Manchester encoding) to determine the received value.
// - getBrightnessFromEEPROM(): This function should read the stored brightness value from EEPROM (if applicable).
// - setBrightnessToEEPROM(brightness): This function should save the new brightness value to EEPROM (if applicable).

void __interrupt() interrupt() {
  // Interrupt service routine (if needed for receiving RF signals efficiently)