#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> using namespace std; struct Event { string id; string title; string acronym; string projectCode; string threeDigitCode; string recordType; string parentId; }; // Pour parser une ligne CSV en tenant compte des guillemets échappés vector<string> parseCSVLine(const string& line) { vector<string> result; stringstream ss(line); string item; bool inQuotes = false; string currentField; for (char ch : line) { if (ch == '"') { if (inQuotes && ss.peek() == '"') { // double quotes currentField += ch; ss.get(); } else { inQuotes = !inQuotes; } } else if (ch == ',' && !inQuotes) { result.push_back(currentField); currentField.clear(); } else { currentField += ch; } } result.push_back(currentField); return result; } bool compareEvents(const Event& a, const Event& b) { if (a.acronym != b.acronym) return a.acronym < b.acronym; if (a.recordType != b.recordType) return a.recordType == "Parent Event"; if (a.title != b.title) return a.title < b.title; return a.id < b.id; } int main() { string line; vector<Event> events; map<string, vector<Event>> eventsByAcronym; // Lire les données while (getline(cin, line)) { vector<string> fields = parseCSVLine(line); if (fields.size() >= 6) { Event e; e.id = fields[0]; e.title = fields[1]; e.acronym = fields[2]; e.projectCode = fields[3]; e.threeDigitCode = fields[4]; e.recordType = fields[5]; if (fields.size() > 6) e.parentId = fields[6]; if (!e.acronym.empty()) { events.push_back(e); eventsByAcronym[e.acronym].push_back(e); } } } // Traiter les données vector<Event> validEvents; for (auto& pair : eventsByAcronym) { vector<Event>& group = pair.second; // Compter les parents int parentCount = 0; Event* parent = nullptr; for (Event& e : group) { if (e.recordType == "Parent Event") { parentCount++; parent = &e; } } // Vérifier les conditions de validité if (parentCount == 1) { set<string> childCodes; vector<Event> children; for (Event& e : group) { if (e.recordType != "Parent Event") { children.push_back(e); if (!e.threeDigitCode.empty()) { childCodes.insert(e.threeDigitCode); } } } if (!children.empty()) { // Mettre à jour le code à 3 chiffres du parent if (childCodes.size() == 1) { parent->threeDigitCode = *childCodes.begin(); } else { parent->threeDigitCode = "???"; } // Ajouter le parent et ses enfants validEvents.push_back(*parent); for (Event& child : children) { child.parentId = parent->id; validEvents.push_back(child); } } } } // Trier et afficher les résultats sort(validEvents.begin(), validEvents.end(), compareEvents); for (const Event& e : validEvents) { cout << e.id << ",\"" << e.title << "\",\"" << e.acronym << "\"," << e.projectCode << "," << e.threeDigitCode << ",\"" << e.recordType << "\""; if (!e.parentId.empty()) cout << "," << e.parentId; cout << "\n"; } return 0; }
a094x00000EXXzC,"IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems","ACSOS",,,"Parent Event" a094x00002MGty5,"2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems","ACSOS",23X51,X51,"IEEE Event" a094x00001IYX7e,"2022 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems","ACSOS",22X51,X51,"IEEE Event" a094x00000EXXrU,"Antennas Design and Measurement International Conference","acsos",,,"Parent Event" a094x00000Bm112,"2021 Antennas Design and Measurement International Conference","acsos",21U43,U43,"IEEE Event" a094x00000Bm0VM,"2019 Antennas Design and Measurement International Conference","acsos",19U43,U43,"IEEE Event" a094x00000EXXzCxxx,"IEEE US Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems","1ACSOS",,,"Parent Event" a094x00002MGty5xxx,"2023 IEEE US Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems","1ACSOS",23P00,P00,"IEEE Event" a094x00000EXXzCyyy,"IEEE Conference on Autonomic Computing","bACSOS",,,"Parent Event" a094x00002MGty5yyy,"2023 IEEE Conference on Autonomic Computing","bACSOS",23YN0,YN0,"IEEE Event" a094x00000EXXrUxxx,"Antennas Design and Measurement US Conference","XYZ",,,"Parent Event"
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