# This file provides some common functionality for the main scripts. It is
# designed to be sourced, rather than executed.
# Makes the script more robust in general.
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# ANSI escape codes for pretty terminal colors.
readonly GREEN='\033[32;1m'
readonly YELLOW="\033[33;1m"
readonly RED="\033[31;1m"
readonly RESET="\033[0m"
# Gives the user a "yes/no" prompt with the text from the first positional
# parameter (if given). If an affirmative response is received,
# returns success; if a negative response is received, returns failure; if an
# unrecognized response is received, the user is given the prompt again. This
# function always outputs to the terminal rather than stdout, so it is safe
# to use from within functions that are expected to output their results.
# Only try to output the prompt message if it is given, so no newline is
# printed if it isn't.
[ $# -gt 0 ] && echo -e "$1" > /dev/tty
local Response
echo -en "[${GREEN}Y${RESET}/${RED}N${RESET}] " > /dev/tty
read Response
# For case insensitivity.
Response="$(echo "$Response" | tr [A-Z] [a-z])"
if [[ "$Response" =~ ^y(es)?$ ]]; then true
elif [[ "$Response" =~ ^no?$ ]]; then false
echo "I don't understand that response. Try \"yes\" or \"no.\"" > /dev/tty
# Keep pestering the user until he gives a valid response.
}; readonly -f Prompt
# Outputs a string of shell code that will parse the program arguments for long options.
# Example:
# # Let's say that the program was passed the arguments --One Two --Three.
# eval "$(OptionParser One Two Three)"
# echo $One # True.
# echo $Two # False. The argument was not preceded by "--" on the command-line.
# echo $Three # False. OptionParser stops on the first argument that isn't an
# # option, and Two wasn't an option.
if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
for OptionName in "$@"; do echo -n "$OptionName=false; "; done
echo -n 'while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do case "$1" in'
for OptionName in "$@"; do
echo -n " '--$OptionName') $OptionName=true && shift ;;"
echo -n ' *) break ;; esac; done'
}; readonly -f OptionParser