//Natalie Zarate CSC 5 Chapter 8, P. 487, #8
* This program will accept a value between the 3rd value of the Fibbonacci
* sequence to the 23rd value as input, then, it will search for that value
* and display how many times it had to compare values using two different
* methods of searching,
* _____________________________________________________________________________
* integers - number of elements in
* pre-intialized array
* array[integers] - 3rd to 23rd value of Fibbonacci
* sequence.
* searchNum - inputted value program will
* search for
* lcomparisons - number of comparisons made using
* linear search
* bcomparisons - number of comparisons made using
* binary search
* LinearSearch(array, integers, searchNum) - function; searches for value
* using linear search
* BinarySearch(array, integers, searchNum) - function; searches for value
* using binary search
* DisplayResult(lcomparisons, bcomparisons) - functuon; outputs total number of
* comparisons needed to find value
* for linear and binary search.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Prototype for LinearSearch
int LinearSearch(int numbers[], int size, int search);
//Prototype for BinarySearch
int BinarySearch(int numbers[], int size, int search);
void DisplayResult(int linear, int binary);
int main()
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* integers - size of array holding fibonacci sequence
* array[integers] - 3 to 23rd values of fibonacci sequence
int integers = 20;
int array[integers] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233,
377, 590, 967, 1557, 2524, 4081, 6605, 10686};
int searchNum; // INPUT - user-inputted value
int lcomparisons; // INPUT - number of comparisons when using linear search
int bcomparisons; // INPUT - number of comparisons when using binary search
// Prompt for number to look for
cout << "Enter a positive integer: " << endl;
cin >> searchNum;
// Call LinearSearch
lcomparisons = LinearSearch(array, integers, searchNum);
//Call BinarySort
bcomparisons = BinarySearch(array, integers, searchNum);
//Call DisplayResult
DisplayResult (lcomparisons, bcomparisons);
return 0;
* This function will search for the user-inputted value using linear searching,
* then return the number of comparisons it needed before finding the value.
* subscript - element being searched
* element - location of user-inputted value
* found - flag; indicates if the value was found
* sortcount - counter for number of times values were compared
int LinearSearch (int numbers[], int size, int search)
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* subscript - element being searched
int subscript = 0;
int element = -1; // INPUT - location of user-inputted value
bool found = false; // INPUT - flag; indicates if the value was found
int sortcount = 0; // OUTPUT - counter for number of times values were
// compared
// step through array
while (subscript < size && !found)
//If value is found
if (numbers[subscript] == search)
found = true;
//Record value's subscript
element = subscript;
//Record comparison
//move on to next subscript
return sortcount;
* This program will find the user-inputted value using binary searching, then
* return the number of comparisons it needed before finding the value.
* _____________________________________________________________________________
* firstElem - first element in array
* middle - reference point; midpoint in chunk of array
* lastELem - last element in array
* element - location of user-inputted value
* found - flag; indicates if the value was found
* sortcount - number of comparisons before value was found
int BinarySearch(int numbers[], int size, int search)
int firstElem = 0; // INPUT - first element in array
int middle; // INPUT - reference point; midpoint in chunk of
// array
int lastElem = size - 1; // INPUT - last element in array
int element = - 1; // INPUT - location of user-inputted value
bool found = false; // INPUT - flag; indicates if the value was found
int sortcount = 0; // OUTPUT - number of comparisons before value was
// found
// step through array
while(!found && firstElem <= lastElem)
middle = (firstElem + lastElem) / 2;
// if the user-input is equal to the middle-most value
if (numbers[middle] == search)
found = true;
element = middle;
//increment comparison counter
// if user input is greter than middle-most value
else if (numbers[middle] > middle)
//update middle
lastElem = middle - 1;
// increment comparison counter
// if user input is less than middle-most value
// update middle
firstElem = middle + 1;
// increment comparison counter
return sortcount;
* This function will display the total comparisons used in linear and binary
* searches when searching for the user-inputted value.
* _____________________________________________________________________________
* Message with total comparisons used in linear and binary search
void DisplayResult(int linear, int binary)
cout << "Using Linear Sorting, it took " << linear << " comparisons to";
cout << " find the value" << endl;
cout << "Using Binary Sorting, it took " << binary << " comaprisons to";
cout << " find the value";